It can automatically classify the transmission tower and power line points with its deep learning algorithms. What’s more the software provides both 2d and 3d profile tools to inspect and edit classification results. Lipowerline is also able to perform real-time working condition of analysis, detect danger points, and measure powerline clearances and spec scissor crossings, monitor individual trees and carry out tree fall analyses.

Transmission Line LiDAR Point Cloud Data Analysis

Interactive point cloud vectorization tools included in Lipowerline allow for the creation of 3D models, but then serve as inputs to simulations that output descriptions of the impact user defined temperature wind and ice loadings have on the Sagan’s way of specific conductor types. The vectorized point cloud model is created in Lipowerline can also be used when analyzing sag and phase spacing of powerlines to monitor the status of individual wires and conductors or measure tower inclinations and height differences between cross arms of electrical transmission towers.

Customized Flight Planning
Lipowerline also contains an easy-to-use tool set for constructing UAV flight routes from previously collected point cloud data. This unique software feature is designed to meet the flight planning needs of pilots and drone operators who must inspect specific electrical infrastructure assets, such as transmission towers and conductors for signs of the damage or failure. Around these images can capture key asset components targeted for an inspection such as pylons insulators power line fittings.
99/11 Huynh Thien Loc Street, Hoa Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
[P] +84 (0) 90 88 206 88
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